Sponsor Highlight |

Mom Deserves The Best.
Let Us Arrange A Smile For Her.
Save 20% with Promotion Code LOTSA.
Who’s better than Mom? For as far back as you can remember, Mom’s always been there to lend a helping hand. She’s the first one to offer you a ride somewhere, cook dinner for family and friends, babysit your kids or keep track of what needs to be taken care of next. There’s no doubt about it, your Mom’s a keeper!
A Mom that great deserves something wonderful, so don’t settle for less! Here’s your chance to show Mom how much you care by sending truly original Mother’s Day flowers and gifts. From bold, beautiful bouquets to gourmet gift baskets and more, you’ll find just the right treat to pamper your Mom.
Mom makes your world better in so many ways. Don’t miss this chance to return the favor!
Resources for You |
Lotsa Helping Hands partners with more than 50 of the nation’s leading nonprofit organizations that provide information and resources to members of its communities. So, whether someone is caring for a loved one with Leukemia, a wounded warrior who recently arrived home, or someone battling Alzheimer’s disease, we’ve got the resources you need.
Create |
Lotsa Helping Hands powers online caring communities that help restore health and balance to caregivers’ lives. The free service brings together caregivers and volunteers through online communities that organize daily life during times of medical crisis or caregiver exhaustion in neighborhoods and communities worldwide.
Create a community for yourself or someone you love today.
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Dear Friend,
New this month:
Every day at Lotsa Helping Hands we hear beautiful stories that inspire and motivate us – of husbands caring for wives, adult children caring for parents, and friends and neighbors caring for one another. In so many of these stories it seems either that a mother is leading the caregiving charge, or that many people have come together to rally around a mom in need. This month we celebrate Mother’s Day with thanks, love and gratitude. And it reminds us of a Community called Team Pam that we heard about through our Story Project. Pam’s son Chris shares the story of their Community that provided daily support to his mom through her diagnosis and treatment for a rare form of blood cancer.
In early 2010, my Mom was experiencing stomach pain and after several tests, she was diagnosed with a very rare blood cancer. The condition only affects 1 in 100,000 people. The only real cure for this disease was a bone marrow transplant. Luckily, my Mom’s three sisters were all matches and she was able to move forward with a transplant. However, there were still several complications throughout the entire process. And our Lotsa Community helped every step of the way. Learn more at our Story Project.
As we thank the moms in our lives this month, we are reminded of the healing power that mothers bring into the world, and of how we carry on that power through our own caring Communities. Thank you for being part of our community.
Thanks for reading and passing this on to others you love.
From our Community to yours,
Hal Chapel, Co-Founder & CEO
Lotsa Tips
Every Lotsa Helping Hands Community has Coordinators and Members: Coordinators organize the help, and Members sign up to help. This month we’ve been doing some spring-cleaning in preparation for some new feature updates that we’ll be announcing soon. In the spirit of spring cleaning, we’ve got some tips that will help you clean up and organize your caring Community to make caring for a loved one and organizing help that much easier. Remember, you can always visit our How it Works Page for ideas about how to get the most from your Lotsa Community web site.
- Coordinator Tip (Amazing Organizers!):
Update your Vital Information Section — The Vital Information section of your Community web site allows you to keep important details and specifics of your caregiving journey in one place. Take time today to fill out the sections relevant to your Community’s needs so that in the event of an unexpected crisis you can breathe easier knowing that the right information is securely stored with easy access for those you have designated.
- Member Tip (Dedicated Volunteers!):
Update your Member Information — Your Member Information, or ‘Me’, tab is where you can list your contact information and notes that help Coordinators more easily organize support. Making sure your email address, phone number, and site preferences are up to date enables you to be easily called upon during times of need.
- Tip for all:
Create a Community — In times of medical crisis our lives often feel a bit like a messy closet. But you can help tackle the clutter and confusion today. Creating a Lotsa caring Community can help organize all of the important information, updates, documents and contacts that are essential when dealing with and getting through these difficult times. Create a Community for a loved one or friend today.
If you have additional questions, contact us at info@lotsahelpinghands.com.
Feature of the Month
Lotsa Helping Hands believes in a world where everyone can give and receive help through the power of community. With a network of caregivers and volunteers more than one million strong, the story of Lotsa Helping Hands is not our story alone. After seeing the difference these communities have made in people’s lives, we created The Story Project, a place for our Members to share their personal stories in their own words. So take a look at some of the previous stories we’ve featured, and share your story today.
Join in the Conversation on our Lotsa Blog
Last month we launched our blog and each week we’ll share insights from our team, stories of Communities here at Lotsa, as well as guest posts from our partners. Look to our blog to get at the heart of what Lotsa is about: peace of mind, support, and community. And we’ll look to you to comment, share, and keep the conversation going. Check out our most recent posts here:
Caregiving Youth: A Hidden Population
When Life Hands You Lemons…
National Volunteer Week – Let’s Celebrate
Caregiver Stress is No Joke
Caregiving and The Power Of Community