For all Members
member info - Member profile information now includes data entry for up to three phone numbers, street addresses, personal notes members may wish to share with other members, and a place where coordinators may store private information for each member.multiple task sign-up - Members may now easily sign up, on the same form at one time, for multiple tasks of the same activity. (E.g., bringing dinner this Friday, next Wednesday, and the Monday two weeks from now.)
more open Community - Unless Coordinators specify otherwise, all community members may now see who has signed up for any given task.
community Sections - Five default community sections (Announcements, Photo Gallery, Resources, Message Board, and Well Wishes), plus the ability for Coordinators to create new sections, provide many new ways to facilitate communication among community members.
For Coordinators
cc'd Coordinators - All coordinators no longer have to be cc'd on all emails generated by the system. You can now designate which coordinators are copied on task sign-ups, as well as which coordinators receive member profile updates.customized Activity dates - Activities can now be created with customized dates. (Thus, e.g., you can create an activity that occurs every Monday, Wednesday, Friday for six weeks except for next Wednesday and the following Friday, but also includes the Tuesday three weeks from now.)
Community photo - You can now display a photograph on the Home page of your community. Choose from the dozen stock photos that come with the system, or upload your own photo or image.
self registration - Coordinators do not have to enter the names and email addresses of all new members. Instead, any member can use the 'tell a friend' link to forward the web address of the community to potential new members, where they can then request to become members of the community. Coordinators may then preview these 'pending' members, and if accepted, their name and email address is automatically added to the community, and a notification of approval with instructions for signing in is emailed to this new member.
individual emails - Coordinators can now send out individual emails to selected members of the community.
See also: Community Sections, Customizing your Community Site
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